• arXiv citation
  • 用户数:4,628
  • 分类:效率
  • 扩展大小:0.0KiB
  • 最后更新时间:2017年02月04日
  • 版本:3.7.1
Mainly devoted for users of reference managers (i.e. Endnote) who visit http://arXiv.org frequently. 

Features: easy to understand, just have a look at the screenshots.

If you are having problems, let me know by emails since I rarely check here and I don't use it for myself any more. Welcome for any comments!
E-mail: boboozhou@gmail.com

1. If clicking the "Citation" link doesn't download the .ris file but open it like a text file in Chrome, use Alt+Click.
2. If the .ris file is downloaded but not opened by Endnote automatically, select the small arrow that appears just to the right of this file and select "Always open files of this type".

     Chrome version >=20    Good to go!
     Older versions are not supported any more.

 3.7 (2016/10/11)
  - Fixed a bug that caused the extension not working properly due to a change of the arXiv site.
  - Removed the functionality for google reader (dumped by Google long time ago).

 3.6 (2013/2/8)
  - Solved issues for the webpage of google reader.

 3.3 (2013/2/6)
  - The APIs had some changes from a certain version of Chrome 24, which caused the extension not working properly. The problem has been solved for the arXiv site.

  - Google Reader changed a little on the webpage content. The extension was modified to comply.

  - Some minor changes.
  - Fix a bug that v2.0 didn't work on older arXiv pages, such as arxiv.org/cond-mat/*
  - NEW: Now works on arxiv RSS on the webpage of google reader.
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